Bill is a singer, songwriter and performer from Saskatchewan, Canada. He has been playing original music since 1999. Bill is an artist that writes about situations surrounding his interesting experiences in life thus far. When creating the music and lyrics, Bill says, " the guitar is like a singing partner except it doesn't speak, so you have to add the words to what it is feeling when you play it...most times we work together to make things sound right." Bill C. is a Cree Language teacher by day and performer by night, in some songs he uses his native tongue to better explain what the message is in a song. His plans for music is to keep rockin' out for people that want to listen. " Playing my original music is something fun I love doing, playing in front of a bunch of people is what makes the experience fun. Making music is a big part of my life and I would give everything up to play full-time if I was given the chance." Keep your eyes open for more music from Bill. " Party hard, but listen harder! " Bill is writing some new material to put on his debut album as a solo artist before the end of 2010. Will be posting some sample music soon for your ears only. Keep checking for upcoming shows. Bill C. Introducing T.A.L.ENT (The Aboriginal Lounge Entertainment) soon to be in a town near you. It is a showcase of 'original' Aboriginal and Local Artists. Come and check us out at: If you love to write your own material, maybe we can put you on stage when we come to your town. You can submit your demo, bio...etc. to: